Samstag, 7. November 2015

Hampton Court Palace

Do you know that feeling when you wake up, look outside and your brain just goes 'nah'?

That's what I was thinking today. The sky was grey, it was drizzling and the wind was blowing like crazy. I stood up anyways and after searching for my phone for half an hour without finding it I set out to meet up with two other au pairs, one of which was singing in a choir in Hampton Court Palace and invited the other two of us. We only had to pay 1 pound instead of 16 I think, which is a huge relieve.

It was still raining when we met in Kingston and got on a bus. Of course we got out a stop too early and had to walk, though we were actually there before the bus due to traffic. S. then left us at the entrance to meet the rest of her singing group for a warm up. N. and I decided to do a little tour of the place with audio guides. It was really interesting though we only saw about half of the rooms and had to rush through a lot of them to actually see our friend perform. We were in King Henry VIII's apartments, King William III's apartments and King Henry VIII's Kitchens. The people working there were all wearing red uniforms and were really nice and ready to answer questions. I would definitely recommand going there, though it is a bit expensive so big thanks to my friend for giving us the extra tickets!

The singing itself was really good! Apparently Hampton Court Palace was built 500 years ago and to celebrate this anniversary several small choirs joint together to sing a specially composed new song as well as sing there own selection of older songs on their own in the Cartoon Gallery that is part of Cumberland Art Gallery. S.'s choir finished their own performance at around 3pm which means we were all hungry, so we decided to leave and go to Kingston to grab a bite. And it actually stopped raining by the time we left the building.

We ended up in Costa for a drink and a shared panini. We talked for quite a bit, amongst other things about our plans once we go back to Germany. Turns out we could all end up in roughly the same region of Germany if everything goes as planned.

And now I'm sitting here in my room. I found my phone (behind my bed) but can't find my USB port which is just my typical bad luck, really. You would think I have my life figured out, but nah.

Anyways, a big thank you to S. and N., it was a great day with you guys!

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