Samstag, 31. Oktober 2015


Today is Halloween and to celebrate this ancient fest turned into a children candy charity (not that I never did it myself) we did a few of the classics. Me and my family never were big on Halloween stuff except for a bit of trick-or-treating and unsuccessful pumpkin carving in the early years.
Now that I take care of two children however, I at least tried to get into the mood.

Now the first thing that pushed everyone in the right direction wasn't even my idea or accomplishment, but I'm gonna tell you nevertheless. The children's German grandparents came to visit for a week and the grandma made this fantastic pumpkin soup. It was wonderful, I have never eaten something just like that. I even asked for the recipe which I will upload as soon as possible.

Starting with the pumpkin. We got one that was marked for carving only and it got clear why as the insides were all weird and absolutely useless for baking or cooking. Sadly we made the mistake to leave it like that for three days because we wanted to do the face together with the children but also went to Central London on the weekend. Do. Not. Do. That!! It got all mushy and smelly and frankly just disgusting. 0/10, do not recommend.
But we went on. After some google research and lengthy discussions we chose a cute little face for our rather cute little pumpkin-victim. We - or rather I - draw the face on the outside and then carved it really carefully.
In the end it actually turned out really good and we were able to put it outside our door (it was still too smelly to leave it inside).

Sadly that was about the end of the family Halloween, but that doesn't mean I didn't have some more fun! For the first time I actually decided to go to a Halloween party this year. I'm in London for gods sake, might as well do something I'm really not good at - socializing.
First of all, I dyed my hair again. It didn't go quite as I wanted, but now I have Manga-like hair so that's ok. I wanted to go from red to all blonde so I could dye them later on in different colours, only I didn't see the little instruction not to use it on already dyed hair. In the end, my roots are blonde and the rest just faded to some kind of red-bloodorange.

I have two costumes. One of them was for yesterday, the day before Halloween. A simple glow-in-the-dark skeleton T-Shirt from Primark and the easiest skeleton make-up there is. I only drew some teeth on, smeared some black colour on my nose and drew a tear-like thing under my right eye.
Later that night my friend and I went into Kingston. We were at a Manga cosplay meeting but only stayed for the quiz, mainly because my friend has no idea about Mangas/Animes and because I like them, but don't actually know that many, let along any facts. Besides, the noises gave me a headache.
Then we grabbed a bit in my standard pub O'Neill's and then went on a last walk through the city as my friend would be flying back to Germany just a few hours later.

Today is gonna be a bit more interesting I hope. Like I said, I decided to go to Central London. My costume was quite cheap as I did a lot of the 'scary' stuff myself, which means I ruined a pefectly fine dress from one of the many charity shops that you can find everywhere in Britain.
I tried to go for zombie bride with a rather elegant short lace dress in a champagner (?) colour. We made some holes and rips into it and then splashed it with mud and fake blood. It's not the best, but I think I rather like it. Together with ripped tights, my black leatherjacket and black boots and some makeup I didn't decide on just yet it's gonna be a great night I'm sure.

Although I should add that I don't expect too much from tonight. It's always the same with doing something for the first time, it's gonna be awkward and embarassing and I will probably feel out of place at first, but at least I'm gonna try it. If nothing works I will just try and get drunk, that always works.

Anyway, Happy Halloween and have a nice evening. Try not to get egged by buying the children's love with cheap candy and insult your neighbours with the best and most expensive decoration you can get your hands on.


Halloween is behind us and man, what a night.
First of all: my costume wasn't extravagant and neither was my make-up, but as least it was easy and easy to remove. It went into some kind of murder(ed) broken doll. Torn tights, a black leather jacket and black boots made it more comfortable and rock.

At around 5pm I drove into London with the bus, getting off before Leicester Square which was a really good idea because there was a little 'parade' with people in costume driving on their in-line or roller skates. It was awesome, there was the puppet from Five Night's at Freddy's, zombies, werwolves, vampires, teletubbies and many more. I walked around a bit as I wouldn't meet the other au pairs for almost another two hours. On my way through Soho and Chinatown I saw some other really good costumes like the Spirit from Spirited Away, one of my favorite movies since I was a child, kids as the witch from Wicked and a zombie bride, Jokers and Harley Quinns and just generally injured people. I even got a few compliments for my dress.
Also there was a bit of firework at Leichester Square, probably because it is Bonfire Night in just a few nights. At that moment though I was really confused.

Later the other girls and I made our way through the same parts of the city, armed with juice boxes and some Vodka. They had put on really cute make-up: Leonie as a vampire, Nele as a cat, Sarah as a kind of puppet and Jenni as a leopard. And the night was really funny! There were for example some Irish blokes who were open for a 'chat', if you could still call it that, and selfies. Though the question "Are you acutally Irish?" probably wasn't that clever... After that it got wilder and well, more blurry.

Anyway, I got home safely thanks to my friends and actually managed to get my contact lises out, my make-up and clothes off and fall into my bed without waking up everyone in the house.
I don't even wanna talk about the next morning/day. Lets just say that I didn't necessarily leave my bed a lot.

(31. Oct 2015)
(update 5.11.15)

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