Montag, 7. März 2016

A Day in... Glasgow (feat Twenty One Pilots)

Being too exhausted to do anything right before a concert is normally not a good sign. At least I had a good explanation in my case.
After arriving in London on Friday morning from my visit in Dublin I had to leave again not even 13 hours later to take a coach to Glasgow in Scotland. And as usual, I wasn't able to actually get a good nights sleep. Adding the fact I couldn't check in until 3pm and the mess that is my life is complete.

Now, Glasgow is supposed to be a fairly nice city; not the most beautiful, but still interesting. Only was it raining that day and I had to walk around with my rucksack and all my stuff. The only locations open and close where the shopping centres and the museum of modern art, with is not only very small, but also not the kind of art I like. But it has a roof, so a short walk through it was ok. Also, did you know that Glasgow is the city with the most 'TARDIS' police boxes left? I didn't which is a really cool surprise for a Doctor Who fan like me.

Now, the hotel I was staying at was something else entirely. I got updated to a 4-bed all-female room, however the room was rather small and dirty. I didn't even think about taking a shower in there, even if I had the time. My advice: spent less money on hotel shampoo packages and coffee cookies and more on renovation! Good thing I only needed a room to sleep in for just one night and that it was central.

After dumping my stuff in there and walking the short distance to Barrowland I had to stand in line for about three hours. Not considering the weather, which was a mix of cold wind and drizzling rain, my Nikes were definitely the wrong choice of shoes, but too late for that now. 
When they finally let us in I was able to get a good spot in maybe the 7th row. The room looked cool and according to Google, about 2000 people can fit in there. 

Sadly, the support act - Ultraviolet - wasn't really my cup of tea. The guitarist reminded me of an old friend back in Germany, but that's about it. 
Now, Twenty One Pilots themselves were awesome, the crowd less so. They were really pushy and actually created 'waves' from side to side which made it hard to stand. Also a lot of people fainted. I have been to a few concert so far, and there is always someone who didn't have enough to drink etc., but this was just over the top. According to other people I've talked to, it is rather normal for a 21P concert though...

Anyway, Josh and Tyler were great, talking to the crowd, making us sing with them and lets not forget their stunt where they stand on boards that are being held up by fans and drumming there while confetti rains down and the mist machines go off. Really cool ending, I loved it.

  1.  Heavydirtysoul
  2. Stressed Out
  3. Guns for Hands
  4. Migraine
  5. Polarize
  6. We don't believe what's on TV
  7. the Judge
  8. Lane Boy
  9. Piano + Drum Mix of: the Pantaloon, Forest, Screen, Ode to Sleep, Addict with a Pen
  10. Doubt
  11. Holding on to You
  12. Ride
  13. Not Today
  14. The Run and Go
  15. Tear in my Heart
  16. Car Radio
  1. Goner
  2. Trees

As a conclusion I would say that I would love to see them again (and I will, at Readings in August), but I won't go too far to the front. Not worth it. The fans should reconsider how they behave first.
The walk back to the hotel was nice, I got some chili chips. The only thing I hated about the next day was that instead of 9 hours, the bus ride back took 12,5 hours because Scotland was one gigantic traffic jam. That was really annoying, but I can't exactly change that.

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