Montag, 5. Oktober 2015

A Day in... Brighton

Brighton is very different from London.

Not only is it smaller - obviously - but the spirit is much more connected to life at sea. Instead of big, impressive buildings it reminds you of movies about the 70s in America. White, run-down buildings with cute coffeeshops inside graze the streets. Especially 'The Lanes', part of the historic centre, is worth a visit as well as the Royal Pavilion.

Arrival and The Lanes

When we arrived at half past twelve after a two hour coach drive my friend and I were looking for a place to eat. After looking around for a bit, we decided to try a burger at Brighton Burger. And let me tell you, it tastes just as good as it looks. After that we roamed the Lanes, more looking than actually searching for anything (though I managed to get an old military jacket with the German flag on it). It's not like we needed an engagement ring or a very impressive looking cake. 
The Lanes are part of the historical centre and, as the name suggests, consists of a labyrinth of small, narrow lanes. Most of the shops are jewellers or cafès, but there were also normal tourist shops selling clothes, glitter make-up and postcards.

The Royal Pavilion

The Royal Pavilion, that was clearly inspired by Indian architecture, was another important stop on our tour. Though you are not allowed inside or even on the terrace, everyone should at least get a few good photos and maybe even take a blanket for a little picnic.That day, a documentary movie was shot about an Indian wedding. It was definitely fun to watch.

Brighton Pier

Probably the most famous tourist attraction of Brighton however is the Brighton Pier. Various food stands, a casino and an arcade as well as roller coasters and other fun rides. I didn't go on any of it, but I will at some point in the future. That's for sure.


After walking through the city and doing what every tourist does, the two of us sat down in a cafè and had a tea (me) and a hot chocolate with a muffin (her). As our coach back drove rather lateat 7:15 pm, we decided to sit down at the beach and watch the sunset. Despite the clouds we saw a bit of the sun peaking out right behind the old, burned-down pier which only added to the spooky atmosphere of the place. The chills however were a product of a poor choice of clothing and a chilly breeze. We also used the opportunity to write our postcards.

I'm already looking forward to coming back. There is still so much to do and explore, you can't pack it all into one day.

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